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2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: *comes up with a plan* How about we trade? Then you can sell that object for thousands of dollars.
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "What trade?" *asks suspisiously*
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: We'll here's an exact copy of the broach. And just because you are so charming you can also have my pendent. *holds both items up. **contacts Risika get Sestera's broach**
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "hhhhhmmmmmmmm
2007-01-19 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **voice in lilians mind** how am i supposed to do that?
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: Think about it you can charge whatever price. Your profit will double since the broach and the pendent are royal relics passed on by generations.
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: *I'm going to try to distract her and go ahead use a little magic* Relics do bring in cash do they not?
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "why trade them you would lose money from that deal"
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: Not necessarily you do get your gold in the broach. And with my pendent it will grant your deepest desires. Money is your desire right?
2007-01-19 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **tentavly reaches out with my magic wrapping it around sestera's brooch while the creature is distracted**
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "WHY TRADE THEM?!"
2007-01-19 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **yanks the brooch from her hand with my magic and grabbing it outta mid air**
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: The Broach dissapears and appears in Sestera's hand
2007-01-19 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **shivers slightly backing away from the women**
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: Well it's out of the goodness of my heart I'm a church goer and you seem so needy.
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: Woman looks frightened and dissapears
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: what did I offend her?
2007-01-19 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **shakes head gently** i need to go to my room for a little bit **dissappears to my room**
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "No. I did" Sestera says looking angry
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: *sigh* I fear something has hurt Risika. Are you alright Lady Sestera?
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "What do you mean?" Looks concerned
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: you still seem really flustered. *feels a major head ache start to occur*
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "I..I heard a voice..that said things." *shivers at the memory*
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: Did it say that you will lose the war?
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "T..that..amon
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: I see...I also heard the voices. It copied my father voice.Said the Roke will join their side. I promised that I would do everything in my power to bring him back.
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: Sestera hugs Lilian. "I am sorry.I don't know what to do other than help Roke...BY THE GODS WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!"
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: *remembers something and says a spell to bring back her broke staff with the silver spikes* This will do it. *pulls a spike and places it in the plant mixture.*
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "That won't harm him to bad..will it?"
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: No..this staff was from my mom her love is infused within it. He probably will remember her but it won't harm him too much no. *the liquid turns light purple and glows brightly*
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "Good I am glad"
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: *mother's spirit walks out of the light* "Dear have faith in yourself and he will be healed." *tears fill my eyes* "Oh mother are you disappointed in me? For leaving."
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: "No dear heart but you must believe in yourself. You have friends now and they'll need your help." *my mother smiles at Lady Sestera*
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "By the Gods!" sestera whispers looking in awe.
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: "Lady Sestera you must also believe in yourself. I know for certain your parents are so proud of you. They said that if I saw you to tell you that."
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "Th..thank you.Your doughter has helped me." *Smiles with tear filled eyes.*
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: *mother walks over to lady Sestera and touches her pendent leaving something there* "Now Lilian you I want you to give this to your other friend * hands me a colorful dress and a pretty bracelet and a note* Have faith my dear daughter and I will allow my love to reach your brother. Farewell and know my love will never die. *mother disappears and the staff is put back together.*
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "W..what?" looks at pendant in wounder
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: *looks at staff and smile* Thank you mother.
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: Ok we have everything we need but we still need Risika.
2007-01-19 [Your Little Vampyre]: * steps into the lab* "Is she ok?"
2007-01-19 [absent-minded]: *coughs* I'm sorry to disturb you, but I really need to talk to someone about the northern caves, I heard you two might know something about that place?
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "where did she get to?" *looks around for her*
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: Oh I haven't meet either one of you. I think Risika is in her room. She had a tough time earlier.*looks a little confused on the two new people that enered the lab*
2007-01-19 [absent-minded]: is something wrong?
2007-01-19 [Your Little Vampyre]: " what happened?"
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "Oh. I am sorry what was it you wanted to know about the caves?" Looks at all of you in apology
2007-01-19 [loonygirl2005]: Lady Sestera you can explain the situation to these two. I am going to Risika room to see if she's alright. *leaves for Risika's room*
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: *nods* "what do you wan't?" asks kindly
2007-01-19 [absent-minded]: I need to get there, I'm looking for someone..a sorcerer, he took something of mine once I'm just gonna make sure I get it back this time
2007-01-19 [Your Little Vampyre]: " Who is this Sorcerer?" *she says *
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: "I..it is dangerous to go there by ourself.what did this man look like?"*asks but is fearful that the answere could be her twin brother*
2007-01-19 [absent-minded]: *gets a harsh look* thats not important.. will you help me or not?
2007-01-19 [absent-minded]: *looks down* I never saw his face, he wore a mask and a read cloak
2007-01-19 [Silver Moon]: *Looks upset* "If you expect to get answeres you should show others kindness and respect!"
2007-01-20 [absent-minded]: *understands she has gone too far* I'm sorry, I just really need..help *tear streams down my face but I whipe it away quickly*
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: "W..what did he take?" *looks in simpathy at both of them woundering what connection there was between all that had happened*
2007-01-20 [absent-minded]: *whispers,figh
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: *Looks sadly into her eyes* "He has taken many live my friends' parents and my parents,I don't think revenge is the answere it only ads to the problem.
We are in the midst of a war and we are running out of time to save a dear friend.
They are responcible for this destruction." *says sadly indicating the destruction around you.*
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: " You have a brothe Sestra? And who is this new guest we have? I am Galilayia."
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: " I can take her to my homeland. They will be kind to her and their healing may work." *She says looking at sestra.*
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: "Y..yes he went to fight in the war, he went with my father, I haven't heard from them in weeks!"
2007-01-20 [absent-minded]: *cant hold back the tears* do you expect me to just stay put doing nothing* raises voice* that monster has taken everything from me, he killed my parents infront of my eyes, burnt my village to the ground and with it my people* shouts* and you expect me to do nothing?
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: "revenge is not the answer. It will come. He will fall and you will be the one smiling, knowing everything he worked for has fallen. She is wise you should listen to Sestra." *She says eyes gleaming.*
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: *Sestera wraps her arms around the other woman* "I am sorry perhaps you could help us here,your parents would not wan't you to throw your life away.I know it is hard but helping the people is what keeps me sane, you could help us, build a stratagy before attack."
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: " Yes Think things through.Remain hiden. He is expecting you to attck back. but if you lay in wait, and strike when he least expects it."
2007-01-20 [absent-minded]: *whipes tears away,tries to regain control og myself* I hope you understand that it is very hard for me to belive that* anger, hate and bitterness lingers in my voice* he will die by my sword, I swear I will not rest untill I've run my sword through his heart
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: *Sestera looks at them both in concern*
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: AAAAAAAAAAAAOO
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: " Wait for the opertune moment. Or just wait he will fall."
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: *Oh Roke please hold on!* "I do understand I wish the same at times but this is not the way!"
2007-01-20 [absent-minded]: alright, I'll wait. But the sorcerer is mine, *bows slightly* I'm at your command, I'll help you in this war
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: " Will you let me ride her to Calidonnia??" *she says looking at Roke.*
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: " I could send for some healers or help of any kind."
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: *runs in panting* What is going on in here?
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: "revenge."
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: "We have the healers doing what they can." Looks out the window in the direction of the howling
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: who are you attacking?
2007-01-20 [absent-minded]: where is Calidonnia? who are you taking there?
*looks suspicious*
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: Everything is as fine as it can be now...please calm down
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: "Some one obviously needs help. I can provide that. No need to be suspicious."
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: *heart pound* Ok look my brother who goes by the name Roke has been cursed. I need Lady Sestera to help me cure him. Please forgive me for my imputence but my brother will side with evil if we can't save him. My little Cousin will be safe for the time being, her name is Daona. She is the only survier from my homeland.
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: "Wh..what do you know about..werewol
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: " The Elves maybe help. I am of their kind and I am offering you help for him!"
2007-01-20 [absent-minded]: *looks concerned* anything I can do to help?
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: " Once biten it takes til the next full moon to complete ly change." *She looks to Sestra.*
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: "Thank you we need all the help we can get, I to am of there race." looks relieved
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: 'Be by his side. take his hand. He can feel that its you."
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: *summons the book from the lybrary and shows them the page* This is what needs to be done. It seems that Risika is in desperate need of rest. *gets out the glowing spike*
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: AAAAaaaaaaaaaa
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: " Sestra Would you like me to send for some healers??" *looks to roke.* "I do have some dwarf ffriends.. maybe they can help they are good with curses."
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: "Oh NOOOO!" Sestera cries. "He might have killed somone!"
2007-01-20 [absent-minded]: what happened? *holding sword at the ready*
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: " What was that?"
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: " I can send for restraints so he doesn't hurt anyone."* looks concerned.*
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: *sighs and turns away figuring this elf knows better than her but still feels compelled to go through with it. but looks at Lady Sestera to see if she agress*
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: "It is Roke he is in the woods" looks troubled. (Lilian notices her clutch her side breifly)
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: "The next full moon is in 10 days. he needs help I will go now and summon them." *Goes to her room. To get her dragon.*
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: Lady Sestera allow me to do it. I need to stab him with this*shows the glowing spike* You know this is the only way to allow him to turn back.
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: It is tonight
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: "Thank you ...but I must do this." (clutches side again and winces in pain)
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: " I have lost track of the days. time escapes me here. What aer you doing??"really
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: Are you sure Lady Sestera?
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: ' i have ben trained in healing. What can I do."
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: Sestera sinks to the floor loking bewildered. "I...I think..I was bitten!" *looks panicked*
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: *the staff appear and I hear my mother say use your pendent and staff. Touch Lady Sestera*
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: "Oh bloody hell." *she runs to her room.Gets some viles*
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: *starts to mix some viles together.* " This will slow the poison.but only for a while."
2007-01-20 [absent-minded]: *looks at all of them in silence,..this
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: * looks after her. * This will get better. nad i could mix somethings to hold the wolf back for a while."
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: she'll be alright. *gets more of the plant we mixed before and places it on the spot where the spike scraped her*
2007-01-20 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **appears out of a mist yawning** whats going on what did i miss?
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: " Sestra you need to rest for a while.the more you move and struggle the faster it will pread. and the faster the beast takes over."Helps with the mixing.*
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: Risika take my hand. Lady Sestera has been bit we need to combine our abilities.
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: *Sestera begins chanting softly* "Hurry I don't know how long I can resist!"
2007-01-20 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **takes the hand of lilian** take what you need from me..
2007-01-20 [Your Little Vampyre]: * chants some evlves spells while applying the mixure.*
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: *chant Lumiuns Regsars Infente,*
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: LUMINUS RESARS INFENTE *scrapes it with the glowing spike and adding Risika's power*
2007-01-20 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **shivers slightly from the drawing of her power but smiles encouragingly*
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: Sestera faints
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: *keeps chanting using the last bit of my power I fall on the floor. pants heavily*
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: *gets up but falls* Roke is just outside.
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: We can do it. *looks at Risika and smiles*
2007-01-20 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: i know we can
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: Sestera* "Go find..Roke..I guess it is for you two to do..be careful!"
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: *smiles* Rest Lady Sestera you will be better soon. Shall we Risika?*holds the staff tight*
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: Sestera lays down tiredly."pleas
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: Risika go ahead a take her to healers. If you don't mind? I'll wait here for you.
2007-01-20 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **gently pads over to sestera placing a hand on her shoulder bringing us to the healers ward**
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: I hope Daona is alright. *looks around at the destruction.* IT IS A BLOODY SHAME TO DESTORY A GREAT LAB!
2007-01-20 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **reappears silently padding over to lilian**
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: Are you alright Risika was that to magic consuming?
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: Shadow darts into the room
2007-01-20 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **nods** im fine
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: Shadow? what are you doing here?
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: "She is asleep" *Shadow says and only Lilian can hear*
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: Ok thank you Shadow. Can you stay with her? I have a dangerous mission. *pets him on the head and neck*
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: Shadow leaves the room
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: Ok Risika ready? *puts the spike in her pocket hold on brother*
2007-01-20 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **smiles and nods** where to now?
2007-01-20 [loonygirl2005]: *closes her eyes and sees graves and hears the howl* The old cemetary.
2007-01-20 [Silver Moon]: **************
2007-02-01 [loonygirl2005]: This place is still a mess...I will try to make a difference.*ge
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: Hehe seems like my little sister just got told that someone does love her...she acts a lot like me...I'm glad I have found her.. *keeps working slowly making progress* she seems to be through a lot more then I realized. I also have a twin...which that in itself is shocking *works more*
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: *but suddenly feels the sickness during expecting hit* Yuck...so this is what mom had to put up with...Man I respect her more. *runs out to the nearest open area to relase the contents from my stomach of course that's when I realize I had not eaten anything for 3 days straight. Walk back inside determined to do a little more work.*
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "A mother to be should take care of her health." A chillingly familiar voice says.
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: So...what do I owe the honor? Have you come to mock me? Well I have kinda been in rather interesting situations that had little to offer as far as nurishment.
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "No I am concerned with the well being of a mother to be."
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: why? You don't seem like someone who would care? *a chill goes down my spine as the memory of mother's teaching of the ritual comes flooding back* Uh...are you here for a specific reason?
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "I told you I am concerned for your well being you should eat."
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: You did not answer my question. But I will go to the Dinning hall...Why are you here? AND DO NOT GIVE ME THE WHOLE I AM CONCERNED ABOUT YOU SPILL!
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "I have my reasons.Have you seen Reseno lately?" Asks in a chilling voice.
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: I'm sure you do...now I will take your advice and go eat. Reseno has only appeared in my dreams. *walks out and heads to the Dinning Hall*
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: I believe Resino saw you the other day..
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: *walks back in and walks toward him...then stops right in front of him looking directly in his eyes.* Ok so you were attracted by my spirit right?
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "I did not say that, I said you have spirit."
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: all right then sir please forgive my assumption...t
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "I can do what I wish. Tell me when was the last time you saw your love?" Asks as though he knows something you don't.
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: Why are you so curious? If I remember correctly you have a keen mind. Besides you talk like he is dead.
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: A smile goes across his face. "You said it not I."
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: Hmm you know something does not fit why would you waste your energy coming here? You told me about how you will take my kids but it seems there is something else you are after. *stays at the close distance* Are you not married yet?
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "No Not yet. But..we are both single."
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: Sir you are not subtle and why would I be single? Really were you not engage to Lady Sofia a few months back? And secretly seeing Lady Roslyeea?
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "She is dead. You stated the reason a moment ago, though you seem to not realize this fact my dear."
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: Well if it is so...then I shall remain unmarried... Sir do you still see Lady Roslyeea? She was an intricate beauty that you spoke highly.
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "You don't get it do you? WE ARE ALREADY MARRIED! Can I say it any clearer then that?"
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "Yes. And I took care of the little complication you had in place of me."
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: *shivers* So your father was the one that said to mom...Rainylan
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: Looks away. "I don't know what he said. But Resino is dead and we are wed, we can now be together."
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: WAIT A DAMN MINUET WHEN DID THAT TAKE PLACE! *feels hands tentively touching me*
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: During the ritual
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: WHAT! HOLD ON! NO ONE SAID ANYTHING ABOUT THAT! I did not even do the last part... *starts to back away*
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: Grabs your hand and kisses you. "This was ordered to be."
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: There was behind the screen and our parents arranged it
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: BUT....NO! THIS CAN NOT BE! WHY WAS MY MOTHER KILLED SHORTLY AFTER!? IF IT WAS SUCH A SET ARRANGEMENT THEN WHY?*falls down to the ground* Do you wish to stay married to me or are you forced to stay this way? *He can't like this arrangement...
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "Come it is not your fault,your parents should have told you.We will raise the children like I am their father, they needn't know any different.Now come we have much to do and prepare for." Starts to pull you up. "And you needn't worry about Resino, forget him!"
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: WHAT THE! YOU JUST HIT ME WITH A HELL OF A MAGICAL BOMB SHELL! YOU EXPECT ME TO RECOVER THAT QUICKLY! You...do not wish to stay married to me do you? *feels something warm around me*
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "Of course I do, it is my duty."
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: Your duty? Is that all this is based off of...is duty? You have no love towards me at all do you?
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "That, and attraction." Looks impatiant
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: *growls* WELL I AM SORRY I DO NOT FIT YOUR SCHEDULE SIR! *walks and does more work to the lab* I'm curious did your father love my mother? *asks while working and allowing all the information to sink in but then hears a murmur but ignores it.*
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "I do not know. Now.... YOU ARE COMING WITH ME!" Growls grabing your arm and pulling you towards the door.
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "I have waited too long!" pulls harder
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: "Don't force me to throw you over my shoulders!" Snarls in anger.
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: HELP! THIS IS NOT RIGHT! HEEEELLLLLLPPP
2007-02-02 [Silver Moon]: Slaps hand over your mouth. "You ARE MY WIFE NOT THAT BASTARD RESINO'S, IT IS MY RIGHT TO TAKE YOU WHERE I PLEASE!" Throws you over his shoulder which makes you feel sick.
2007-02-02 [loonygirl2005]: *feels pain and passes out from the pain...mo...mo
2007-02-27 [loonygirl2005]: *walks inside and just looks around.*
2007-02-27 [loonygirl2005]: *Grabs a few more things and leaves again heading to the grounds.*
2007-02-27 [loonygirl2005]: **************
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